Friday, April 14, 2017


Good Morning on this Good Friday.  A very holy day for many.  This entire week has been a very holy week for many people.  Today especially is very significant.  I myself do not participate in much religious holiday celebrating except for the meals I choose to cook.  Not making light of it at all, it is just the way I choose to celebrate. 

Keeping spirit within myself and around me through nature and feeding the people I love brings joy and happiness to me and so that is my way.  Whatever is your way, if it gives you joy then that is all that matters.  Sometimes we see people pretending to be happy.  Pretending to be something they are not.  Today's quote, "The invisibility of pain and sadness does not mean it does not exist - be kind and courteous - loving and forgiving." 

These are the things that you cannot see.  You can see someone smile or hear someone laugh but seeing someone in emotional pain does not always show itself.  It goes back to not always knowing the life of someone else.  Not knowing what is making them hurt and why.  I'm not going to talk about judging.  I will save that for another blog but what I am bringing to light here is just because you can't see what is going on, on the inside does not mean it isn't there.

We all have times of real emotional stress and upset and many of us choose to keep these feelings locked up inside as not to burden others.  Being kind and courteous costs nothing.  Same for being loving and forgiving.  Unless we walk around with signs on our necks shouting out to the world what we have been through or why we are snapping at others does anyone really know?  NO - no one knows what is in your mind that is breaking your heart. 

Unfortunately pain and sadness is alive and well for many of us and many times the holidays make it much worse.  Of course for every day but especially for today, share a smile, open a door, open your heart and forget the past.  Have a wonderful Friday everyone and always keep in mind, this too shall pass!~Love, Amy

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