Thursday, June 29, 2017


Good Morning!  I feel like I haven't been to work in months.  Why is that?  I had a nice day yesterday.  Took Mia for a long walk in the morning.  Made a really nice breakfast for myself and sat outside to eat.  Looked at my beautiful flowers that I planted and took another great nature walk with my son in the afternoon.  A great way to spend a day!

I'm also trying to write a book of all my quotes!  This is something that I have wanted to do since last year but I am daunted by how "easy" it is to self publish.  I decided that I am going to try again.  Today's quote, "Temporary upset does not mean permanent disaster."  Not that not writing a book is a disaster but being frustrated by not knowing how to take each step can be. 

Have you had a temporary upset in your life?  Who hasn't.  But know that it will change because things always change.  Know that whatever seems hopeless and upsetting at the moment won't be that way forever.  Nothing is permanent, only your mindset.    If you feel frustrated, take a rest but keep going. 

Now may not be the time for the change you need but never ever give up.  Temporary is short - not forever.  Keep that in your mind and know that in the end, it all works out!  Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!~Love, Amy

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