Time is so valuable. You cannot buy it. You simply have it or you don't. Time can be earned. Money can be earned. Even if you don't have a lot of time to yourself, you can find a way to enjoy what little you have. Sit outside. Take a walk. Just be out in the sunshine. You can earn money but how much do you need to be happy? Some have more than others and some are envious of what others have. Today's quote, "Rich can take you places and buy you things - rich in your heart opens up the world to you."
The more love you have in your heart the richer you are. Money does not make you rich. Yes, it allows you to buy what you need and more but we all know those people who have so much yet give so little. Why is that? It is as if that is the only power that exists is money. What a terrible thing to hang over someone. You may not want to share your money but you can always share your heart.
Whatever time you have, be in nature and let the earth nurture you. Buy someone a cup of coffee today and see if that small act of kindness does not open your heart! Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!~Love, Amy
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