Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Good morning all.  Welcome to Tuesday.  Last night was a Guided Meditation night so I had a really good sleep.  Our entire day depends on how well we sleep at night.  When you are well rested you feel refreshed and energized and ready for anything but when you don't, you drag.  There have been days when I wake up looking forward to when I can go back to sleep!

Meditation has been a lifesaver in terms of getting not only proper rest but a calm mind so that little problems remain just that - little.  Today's quote, "Give the proper amount of thought to each situation - don't overthink or exaggerate."  Are you an over-thinker?  Do you look at a situation and automatically allow your head to go to bad places?  Why do we do that?

We are all guilty, myself included or rather I used to be.  Meditation has helped me to look at a situation objectively so that I don't dwell or begin to think the worst.  My catch phrase is "calm your mind~soothe your soul."  It works!

If you don't want to meditate, find something that works for you so that your mind doesn't go to places it shouldn't.  The worry and stress that overthinking brings you is damaging to your health as stress is one of the leading causes of sickness.

Think of a time in your life where you had to make a difficult decision.  Were you able to decide immediately or did you think, re-think and think again?  Any decision we make in our lives needs careful consideration but once you make that decision, be done and let it go.

Stand by your choices and don't look back.  Have the confidence in yourself to choose wisely and net examine in excruciating detail why you chose A o
ver B.

Choose to have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!~Love, Amy

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