Monday, February 11, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Hope you all had a good weekend  and are refreshed and ready to face the week.  I usually start my day reading the news and what has been going on in the world around us.  My favorite part of the news are the pet rescue stories because everything else is so awful.  I'm not even talking about what is going on in Washington D.C. but the horrific stories of crimes committed around our country.

You have to wonder what makes some people so cruel and what makes some people so open and forgiving.  Today's quote is, "Divine is the spirit that holds love for all humanity even when ours cannot comprehend acts of evil."  How much forgiveness do you hold within yourself?  What is your capacity for love?  These are questions not often asked.  I can say that I am not God and could hold absolutely no compassion for someone who for example, abuses children.  If you abide by the saying there is a reason for everything which I often do, I cannot ever imagine a reason why a child should be harmed.  

The other side of that coin is the belief that everyone deserves love no matter what it is they have done in their lives.  The movie Dead Man Walking is a perfect example of this.  Sean Penn's character rapes and murders two complete strangers for fun.   While in prison he is counseled by a nun who befriends him and grows to love him and is with him at the time of his execution.

The main point of the movie is to show the dehumanization of the death penalty but to also show the sheer indifference to human life from one human being to another.  As the switch was turned on to fill the murderer's body with poisonous fluids part of me was happy yet part of me was sad and disgusted watching a man being put to death.

Can I call myself divine? No.  I am not there and I am OK not being there but it is good to know that in this world the Divine do live among us.

Have a great Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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