Thursday, February 28, 2019


Good morning everyone and a happy Thursday as well.  As tired as I was this morning, I had no choice but to jump into the day.  We are lucky when we recognize an opportunity and go for it but sometimes something stops us for a reason that may be inexplicable to us and we stand firm rather than jump right in.  Today's quote is, "When something holds you back rather than propelling you forward - reflect, think and know there is a reason why."

Great ideas are everywhere but what is a great idea for one person might not be great for you.  Hesitation is the first sign that it's not the right fit.  Often it is a feeling you can't explain but your gut is telling you not to go forward.  These are the signs you need to listen to.  

Not every idea is a great one.  Last week I got a phone call from an unidentifiable number.  I don't know why but I answered the call.  The woman on the other end was going to help me get more business.  Sounds good right?  She asked me a few preliminary questions and you guessed it.  I was the perfect candidate.  

Considering what I was asked, anyone was the right candidate.  This was simply a cold call done in a very unconvincing manner.  I listened as long as I could and then politely ended the conversation.  We all like moving forward but we need to find the right people to help us.  The next time you feel held back not by someone else but yourself, reflect, think and definitely know there is a reason why.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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