Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Wednesday.  Happy middle of the week day.  Happy Hump Day.  Whatever you call this day, it is still Wednesday.  We give nick names to our children, our spouses and our pets but names don't change who they are.  You know who else doesn't care about getting a different name.  God.  That's right.  God does not care what you call him.  You can call him Hashem, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna or Buddha.  However you choose to refer to him, he is still God and he is there to support all your endeavors.

Today's quote is, "God cares not what name he is given - all he asks is that you let him guide you with a loving embrace."  That's right.  All he asks is that you believe in his presence and to know that he is there for you.  I understand that many have a problem with religion but this has nothing to do with religion.  My own son said to me years ago that religion is the cause of all wars.  I can't say I disagree completely.  

Believing in God is not the same as believing in religion.  According to the book, Conversations with Mary, by Anna Raimondi, God is the highest vibrations there are.  These vibrations are there to support us in times of crisis but also in good times as well.  Allow these vibrations into your life.  Allow the love and support of these vibrations, the vibrations of God, however you choose to call him.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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