Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Wednesday.  What's on your list today?  Has it grown or have you crossed things off thinking that you will never get to some of them.  We often say there are never enough hours in a day.  If you could add hours, how many more would you want?  Three?  Seven?  Would two more do the trick?

Would you really want your work day to be longer?  As much as we love the beach or that beautiful mountain view, we really don't want to sit there forever.  There are times when we don't get to everything we either need to or want to accomplish but there is always tomorrow.  Remember that statement.  There is always tomorrow.  

Today's quote is, "Until  your last breath it is not over."  I am of the hope that everything on that list will be conquered whether it says buy bread or change career, whether your list says paint bedroom or travel to Tahiti.   At the moment painting your bedroom may be as far away as Tahiti.  There may  be other things more pressing at the moment but that's OK.  You're here and as long as you are here keep making those plans and adding to that list.

I don't know why it's not over till the fat lady sings but this lady can assure you, it ain't over yet!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love. Amy

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