Friday, March 22, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Today is Friday!  Yay!  That's my comment.  I don't always comment.  Many times there is simply no need.  We've all had experiences where words are not needed.  Where the use of words are not justified and the right ones could never be found.

Today's quote is, "Your silence may say more than any words you may speak."  Silence is golden.  We've all heard that one.  Words cannot and don't have to be used all the time.  When there is a snow day do I really have to say how happy I am?  I think it is a given to know I am thrilled.  When your kids come back  home and you see their laundry piled up do you really need to comment?

On a more serious note, when tragedy strikes such as the passing of a loved one, we all know what that feels like.  We don't need to say thoughts and prayers as much as offer comfort and love.  Silence is not just golden but a little frightening as well.  Often we feel that we must offer words without thinking of their value or necessity.

Don't search for words that cannot be found or have no value.  We can speak with our eyes and expressions, with our gestures and our actions. We all know that silence is golden and actions speak louder than words.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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