Today's quote is, "You know which day is my favorite - the one where I open my eyes and see the sun." While that quote might sound corny to you, I really mean that. Every day has value but it is up to you to see the value and also to make it valuable.
How magnificent is it when the sun shines brightly in the sky? How great do you feel when the sun shines on you? A beautiful day makes you feel invincible as if you can accomplish anything. That is why every day is my favorite. Not to say there are no challenging days. We all have things we need to do and to take care of. We all have those days where we don't even pay attention to the sky because we are so busy running around.
How lucky are we that every day we get to have another one. Another day, another chance. Today's quote is about being appreciative. Appreciate your surroundings and the beauty that is everywhere because it is. We are all busy but don't be too busy to go outside and enjoy that beauty. Stand still for a moment and let the sun bathe you in warmth. Try it for one day. I'm sure you'll be back.
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Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy
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