Friday, September 7, 2018


Good morning!  Welcome to Friday and hopefully a week well done.  Were you able to accomplish all you set out to?  If you didn't this week, there is always next week.  Busy can describe all of us.  I'm a big lister, not only in my head but on paper.  I like to write down all the things I need to do because it helps me remember.

We can approach life the exact same way.  Every month there is a new moon and on that day is the best time to write all the things we want to see in our lives.  Today's quote is, "Refine your vision and see your life as you want it to be."   Physically writing things down helps us to actually see what we want.  

It is easy to be all over the place in your head but when you write things down it becomes clearer.  Life is wonderful and amazing but remember, you are the one who has the biggest role in what you want it to look like.  Write down as many things as you want and then narrow it down.  By doing this you are narrowing down the things that are truly important to you.  

This does not mean you should desire less, it means focus on what really matters to you.  By writing it down, your vision will be 20/20!

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions 

Have a wonderful Friday everyone and a great weekend! ~Love, Amy

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