Thursday, February 2, 2017


Good Morning on this cold one.  Wishing you all a wonderful day.  It's back to work for me.  Feeling a little better.  Still a bit stuffy but yesterday at the horrendous hour of 5:30 in the morning I just could not get out of bed.  So, here I am at almost 5:57 and functioning pretty well thanks to my hot cup of Joe!

I have to say, it was great being home yesterday.  Well, let's see.  Was I home.  Of course I was but even when I am sick I can't sit still.  For me it was an opportunity to do a whole bunch of things I just needed to get done!

Today's quote, "The accomplishment of the smallest of chores deserves praise."  That might not get as many "likes" as yesterday's quote but you know what.  I like it.  In fact, I like it a lot!  I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and we were talking about all the things that the collective "we" have to do all the time.  How we get overwhelmed, but also how if we do just ONE thing on our list, we should be happy!  Celebrate if you will.

How long is your list?  Sometimes it appears as though it is endless.  Sometimes just as we finish 3 things, there are 10 more right behind.  Is that true for you?  It is for me.  If you truly look at one thing that you crossed off your list, don't sigh and get all bent out of shape because of all the other things you still need to do. 

Look at that chore and smile.  Be happy that something was crossed off.  Be happy that that chore is over and done with.  Celebrate the accomplishment of something no matter how small.  It will help you to get more things done.  It goes along with not beating yourself up over every little thing.

This is a good lesson everyone.  So think about what it is that you need to accomplish today.  Narrow down your list and if you only get to one thing then know for today that's all you could do!  Give yourself a pat on the back.  Celebrate what you DID do, not what you couldn't get to!  Have a wonderful Thursday all!~Love, Amy

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