Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Good Morning on this not yet, but almost very rainy day.  Sorry to say I am not feeling so chipper today.   I had a wonderful Guided Meditation class last night which not only gives my clients a good night's sleep but ensures that I too will be out.  I have not yet peeked outside my window but I hear it's already raining.  This will mean that even Mia, (dog daughter) will not venture out of bed.  Ahhh....to be a dog.  Come on, you know you would LOVE to try it for just one day!

Tomorrow is another day and supposed to be nicer and warmer.  Today's quote can definitely relate to today's weather.  "Somewhere a rainbow was created from a storm."  That is another quote that is metaphorical and literal.  Of course we know that rainbows appear after a rain.  But we also know that things settle down after tumultuous beginnings. 

It may take some time but things eventually level out and become manageable.  Is there something tumultuous in your life at the moment?  Are you going through a hard time?  Whenever we are in it, it's hard to see out of it.  I know.  I have had my share of difficult times and situations but trust me.  Every day gets better.  That is not to say there won't be bumps on the road to recovery but time is a great healer.

Things, whatever they may be for you DO get better over time.  That's the beauty and wonder of life.  We are here to experience so much.  Not just joy and happiness but pain and sadness too.  Let me give my mom credit now.  As she has said to me multiple times, "how do you know the good if you never experience the bad?"  Now I know some of you are thinking, why do we have to experience the bad anyway?  I will tell you. 

Simply, it is part of life and all that it has to offer.  The good, the bad and the ugly!  Have faith, have trust and please believe that everything will be better.  I hope that no one out there is suffering too much but know that your rainbow will appear and when it does, bask in all those glorious colors!  Have a wonderful wet Tuesday everyone!~Love, Amy

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