Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Good Morning all!  Sorry I'm a little late on a weekday but I have a slight cold today and thought it best to actually listen to my body for once, sleep a little later and not go into work.  Believe it or not, that is a big step for me.  Why do we insist on going to work sick?  All we do is spread out sickness to everyone else! 

So here I am with my morning coffee.  Feeling better already!  Only myself to answer to today.  My thought today has nothing to do with being sick but then again, maybe it does.  The state of the world and certainly our country has changed tremendously.  There are facebook tiffs all over the place.  Discussions and disagreements have turned ugly and what a shame.  How is it that people verbally treat each other with such disregard and disrespect?

Today's thought is, "Argue, fight, disagree but do it with love, kindness and respect."  That is so important.  You can argue.  You can fight.  You can disagree.  But you can also do it with respect for the person you are arguing with whether it be your spouse, your friend or a co-worker. 

When a discussion becomes a fight, it is no longer a discussion.  It then becomes a matter of wills and who is right.  Who is the winner.  Do you listen with an open mind?  Many of us don't at all and that is when the arguing begins.  We are all entitled to an opinion and when going into a conversation or disagreement, it is important to know that both parties are entitled to their own thoughts.  Their own way of seeing things. 

Don't disparage someone just because they are not of the same mind set as you.  Listen, discuss, and yes, even fight about it but respect that the person you are arguing with is not you.  Perhaps they have a completely different set of values.  Perhaps and most likely, they had a completely different upbringing than you.  The reasons are too numerous to even mention.

The next time you have a disagreement with anyone, remember....RESPECT, RESPECT, RESPECT each other and then go get a cup of coffee together!  Have a wonderful hump day everyone!!!~Love, Amy

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