Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Good Morning.  Why does it feel like Wednesday?  Because it is!  Not every day feels like the one it is.  Today is a definite Wednesday feel.  Woke up to lots of emails, mostly nothing and 4 texts.  That doesn't normally happen but when I decide to leave the world for the night, I do so without my phone.  ALWAYS!  I never bring my phone to my bedroom.  There has to be peace somewhere! 

The sun will be out today but not at this early hour.  It was very windy as I heard the wind chimes for what felt like hours.  Maybe that's why I need my coffee this morning.  As far as sounds go there is nothing more calming than wind chimes to if they kept me up a little I can live with that. 

A strange feeling to this week.  It started off slow but I feel like it's almost the weekend.  ALMOST, but not quite.  I'm looking forward to this afternoon.  I'm getting a much needed haircut.  You know when all of a sudden your hair grows and you don't know when that happened?  I'm ready for a change.  Not sure how I want it to look but different than now.

A superficial start to today's quote but fitting.  Here it is, "What  you are now doesn't have to be what you are tomorrow  - we are all capable of change if we want it."  As I said, a very superficial change but a change none the less.  That's usually how it starts.  We want to change something about our physical selves.  Just look on Face Book.  Seems that everyone is drinking a shake or following a food plan to lose weight but that desire to change is what leads people to these different programs and that's great. 

What else do you want to change?  Your job, your relationship, your friends, your outlook and attitude?  You can change anything.  I truly believe that.  The key is the desire for change.  Most of us just talk a good game and don't commit to it.  Change is hard.  Change can be scary.  But you know what's harder and scarier?  Being unhappy in a current situation.  That to me is far worse!

Take baby steps toward what you want.  If someone needs to lose a lot of weight it won't happen over night.  The change has to come in eating habits, portion control and of course a willingness to stick to those new habits.  A new job won't fall into your lap.  You have to look and put out those feelers.  We can all help each other.  If there are things you are not happy about with your partner or spouse you need to let them know.

Maybe they have no idea!  Or do you just like complaining?  Believe it or not there are many of those people out there.  Miserable but happier complaining how everything sucks!  Well if that is truth for you then change it but you MUST begin with your attitude!  That's an easy thing to change and one you can certainly begin with today and now!  Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!~Love, Amy

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